About the school > Lectures and extended abstracts

Lectures and extended abstracts:




" Hadron interactions, colour and QCD partons" - Yuri Dokshitzer (Paris, France)

"Event Generator Physics" - Peter Skands(Geneva, Switzerland)

 "Introduction to Lattice QCD: applications to nuclear and hadronic physics" - Jaume Carbonell (Orsay, France)

 "Particle Detectors: Operating Principles and Calibration Issues" - Mac Mestayer (Newport-News, USA)

" Hard probes' - Peter Braun-Munzinger (Darmstadt, Germany) 

 "Heavy Ion Physics: Bulk properties of the Quark-Gluon Plasma" - Raimond Snellings (Utrecht, Netherlands) 

"Nucleon reverse engineering: Structuring the nucleon with quarks and gluons" - Hervé Moutarde (Saclay, France)

'' Seeing relativity: a virtual journey around (and within) a black hole" - Alain Riazuelo (IAP, France)



"1: Introduction to Lattice QCD: applications to nuclear and hadronic physics" - Jaume Carbonell (Orsay, France)

"2: Introduction to Lattice QCD: applications to nuclear and hadronic physics" - Jaume Carbonell (Orsay, France)

"1: Hadron interactions, colour and QCD partons" - Yuri Dokshitzer (Paris, France)

"2: Hadron interactions, colour and QCD partons" - Yuri Dokshitzer (Paris, France)

"3: Hadron interactions, colour and QCD partons" - Yuri Dokshitzer (Paris, France)

"4: Hadron interactions, colour and QCD partons" - Yuri Dokshitzer (Paris, France)

"5: Hadron interactions, colour and QCD partons" - Yuri Dokshitzer (Paris, France)

  "Event Generator Physics" 1- Peter Skands (Geneva, Switzerland)

 "Event Generator Physics" 2- Peter Skands (Geneva, Switzerland)

"Particle Detectors: Operating Principles and Calibration Issues" - Mac Mestayer(Newport-News, USA)

"Particle Detectors: Work of a Physicist" - Mac Mestayer (Newport-News, USA) 

"Lectue 1: Hard probes' for quarkgluonplasma diagnosis"- Peter Braun-Munzinger (Darmstadt, Germany)

"lecture 2: Jet quenching and the QGP"- Peter Braun-Munzinger (Darmstadt,Germany)

"lecture 3:the charmonium story"-Peter Braun-Munzinger (Darmstadt, Germany)

"Heavy Ion Physics: Bulk properties of the Quark-Gluon Plasma" - Raimond Snellings (Utrecht, Netherlands)

"Nucleon reverse engineering: Structuring the nucleon with quarks and gluons" - Hervé Moutarde (Saclay, France)

'' Seeing relativity: a virtual journey around (and within) a black hole" - Alain Riazuelo (IAP, France)


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